Saturday, March 6, 2010

Let's Hear It For the Weekend

It's finally here. Now, how to spend it. Do I go to the Coldwater Creek sale tomorrow and spend outrageous sums of money on clothes that I could buy at other stores for half the price? Or a trip to Bernina Swiss Fest at the quilt shop? Will I be tempted by the JoAnn coupons that can be used to make the Simplicity Bias Tape Maker half price and their attachments 40% off on Sunday? Or should I just cash that winning scratch off ticket (fifty bucks) I picked up at lunch today and squirrel the money away in the Vegas fund box? (end of August.)

Obviously, I need to sew. I also need to take a huge jug of change (so huge that I don't think I can carry it myself, it's THAT heavy) to the automatic change counter at the bank,  and since I put the hubs on the task of buying me a new car, I suppose I might need to drive to the mall and cruise the cars the dealers park there.

Speaking of the hubs, he got his first new phone this week. Yes, I did say his FIRST new phone. Since the dawn of the cell, the man has let our daughter use his 'new every two' credits, and he receives her cast-off phone (except for that pink Blackberry Pearl--not because it was pink, but because you'd stand a better chance of teaching a Panda to play a Wii than you would teaching the hubs to use a PDA). Anyway, a credit became available, the daughter is no longer a factor, so he pounced on it like a cat on a 3-legged hamster.

We don't allow him to text (a story for another blog), so he didn't want a phone with a keyboard, which they all seem to have. The Droid was a little too high tech for him--he definitely needs a 'phone' key front and center, so he decided that he liked the Chocolate Touch. We signed him up for a data package so he can check his email, our daughter showed him how to perform the basic functions, calibrated his screen, and he's off and running.

I came home from work yesterday to find hium phone in hand. 'Stand still, I need to take your picture so I can load it in my contacts and it will show when you call me.' He's got the 'Gimme that filet o fish' jingle as his ringtone, he's actually sent a text message (which he doesn't have a plan for...hmm...I thought we had blocked him...we might need to unblock him), and he's checking his email every 10 minutes. We've created a monster.

I asked him to go out and find me a car. I hate car dealers...sorry, but I'd rather go to lunch with a family of life-size cockroaches. I do not like to play 'sit here while I go ask my manager'....(actually, I'm going to go pee and pour myself a cup of coffee, which is part of my overall psychological mind game they taught us in car salesman school) games. For Pete's sake....just sell me the freaking car for the lowest price you can go and let me get out of here in an hour instead of spending the day in your little Costco stacking chairs drinking Tab from the machine in your snack room while you attempt to beat me into submission. I'm always thankful we don't own any guns when they pitch that $1500 Scotchguard my upholstery package. I'd have been on the front page decades ago.

The hubs will do the research and the footwork, and I guess I'll have to go in to test drive whatever makes his cut. Hopefully it will be painless.

Gotta love the hubs. Here's the  flowers he brought home from Trader Joe's because he knew I'd be putting
in quite a bit of studio time this weekend. I love big, bright Gerbera daisies.


What's left from the last bunch moved to the cutting table.

I also brought one of my re-flowering orchids up to the studio, so it's very Spring-y in here.

Last weekend he brought me home some little jars he picked up.

Which I immediately filled with pins. There's 2 left, so I need two more types of pins. A small decorative wall shelf to set them on, along with my budding pincushion collection would be nice.

And don't think I've been totally procrastinating. I have done some sewing on the challenge. Here's where we are so far

These are going to be the corner blocks. Hopefully I'll finish the top tomorrow, so check back and see how we're coming along with the phone/car/quilt. Right now I think I need to go downstairs and grab the socially-retarded grandpup (I think he's just here for the night while his mom and dad went to a Wizards game) and go to bed.  I've been going to bed at 2 a.m. all week and getting up at 7. No sense changing that routine just because it's the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. "because you'd stand a better chance of teaching a Panda to play a Wii than you would teaching the hubs to use a PDA".....completely cracked me up.

    I've got a car you can buy....3 years old, slight ongoing power train issue and caved in front end as of this morning.I'll do you a deal though. I'll just go and speak to Mr. Pyjamas....

    (sneaks off to get coffee and pee)


I appreciate and look forward to your comments. Thanks for reading. Happy quilting!