Friday, October 23, 2009

Rotary cutting madness day postponed

This evening we digress on something we just cannot avoid...the upcoming holidays.

While I did go to the local quilt shop this evening to take advantage of their 25% off sale--got some triangles for an upcoming workshop, some batik for the back of the next convergence, some wool batting (collective ahhs can be heard), and a pumpkin panel to use with the Moda Pumpkins Gone Wild  fabric I picked up last fall in Lancaster, that is going to be the extent of quiltiness for today. We shall take a double helping of fabric tomorrow in between running an errand in the morning and preparing Hurricane Thanksgiving Dinner.

While out merchandising, I hopped into Michaels to use my 40% off coupon on an accessory for my daughter's Christmas gift (it's something that requires a lot of accessories, so it looks like maybe weekly trips to Michaels are in order from here until mid-December, either that or the hubs is going to have to suck it up and accompany me on a few trips so he can stand behind me and purchase a second item).

This is what I was up to today:

10 of the ornaments and the glittery poke-y things in this box--which I am calling the 'Rock the Copper Tree' box,  just flew into my hands while I was heading to the cash register to pay for the Christmas gift. There is truly a method to the madness.

I'll be decorating about 15 trees this year. The tree in our master bedroom is done in copper. Opulent copper glitter ribbon threaded throughout, all copper glittery ornaments. It's a favorite.
Pheasant feathers in the topper. It's definitely a beautiful tree.
But, I'm bored with it.
Big time.
So this year I asked the Hubs to go to my favorite Christmas designer's place when he was in Vegas and pick me up some peacock blue ribbon. Well, peacock blue is what we would call a subjective color. He came home with the lovely flocked turquoise ribbon pictured in the Rock the Tree box above, which I thiink will do the job.

The plan is to intermingle that ribbon with what is already there and add just the tiniest bit--okay, I know, in the box it looks far from the 'tiniest' me on this, this is the tiniest bit of an eyepopping color to see if we can lively up this tree.

Check back next month to see the results. (As well as what I do with the other 15 or so trees).

Tomorrow, we slice!!!!! Night for now.

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